Doctor of Business Administration

by VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience)


The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) by VAE is a specialized pathway for earning a doctoral degree that recognizes and values the practical experience, accomplishments, and contributions of candidates in the field of business administration. Instead of a traditional dissertation, the DBA by VAE allows candidates to showcase their professional work and demonstrate their expertise through a carefully curated collection of documents, projects, and achievements.


Assessment method:

Coursework and Capstone

Duration: 2-4 years

Study mode: Online

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Course information

Admission Requirements
Completion Requirements
  • Extensive Professional Experience: Minimum of ten years in a senior leadership role or equivalent.
  • Master’s Degree or Equivalent: From an accredited institution.
  • Comprehensive Portfolio: Detailed documentation of professional experience, including key projects, achievements, and contributions to the field.
  • Scholarly Project Proposal: Outline of the proposed scholarly project, demonstrating the ability to contribute new knowledge to the field.
  • Interview: With the evaluation panel to discuss the candidate’s professional experience and scholarly project proposal.

The requirement for completing the DBA by VAE pathway is the compilation of a comprehensive portfolio that showcases the candidate's professional work, achievements, and contributions. The portfolio should include a collection of documents, projects, publications, patents, reports, or other relevant artifacts that demonstrate the candidate's expertise and impact in the field of business administration.

The portfolio should demonstrate the candidate's ability to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world business challenges and make significant contributions to the field.

Blockchain verified degree

Graduates receive a simple, secure, lifelong link that can be shared directly with recruiters or published on their LinkedIn profiles. By clicking on this link, certified data can be read in real time on the Ethereum blockchain-based Polygon chain.

You can download your award in PDF format from the link sent to you. The award will have a QR code that can be scanned without a QR code scanner application. With this privilege, you can also share your digital award on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Read more about our blockchain verified degree at here

Common questions

How long does it take to get a business degree?

When pursuing doctoral degrees, students usually focus on business theories, management strategies, and or other specializations. It requires a significant time commitment to complete a business degree, which generally can take up to 3-6 years after completion of a master's. Appropriately, prospective students must consider if they need a doctoral degree to pursue their career goals.

How can I tailor a business degree for my needs?

You can start by exploring the various degrees and narrowing them to your interests. Then, choose a program that is applicable to them to achieve your goals.  Consider choosing a major so you can obtain skills and further your knowledge that aligns with your career goals.

Which business online degree program could be right for me?

After identifying your interests, it is important to understand which path is right for you. Therefore, when deciding to choose a degree, you must think of why you want to earn this degree and what are the outcomes that you expect at the end of it. You must also consider whether the program you are choosing will open doors to your career.

What is Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)?

A prior learning assessment (PLA) is also known as a course exemption or advanced standing. It is a form of evaluation of the learning that is gained outside of traditional institutes toward further education or training. PLA is a proven intervention that helps learners reduce their educational costs and time to graduation.

How does a business degree prepare me for, or enhance, my business career?

Earning a business degree can equip you with many important managerial and leadership skills for a successful career, such as how to overcome business struggles and manage employees, effective communication, and maintaining a strong mentality within your team while accessing the business world.

You can also gain some other benefits including:

  • become a better and more knowledgeable leader
  • increase of pay 
  • a better comprehension of business strategy and management 
  • higher job performance and development of skills